Past Executive Boards of IATSE Local 212

1926-Present: Accurate records for the period of 1911-1925 are not available.

President: T.D. Cooke
Vice President: W.R. Hicklin
Recording Secretary: W.R. Hicklin
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: G. Franklin
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: T.D. Cooke
Vice President: W.R. Hicklin
Recording Secretary: W.R. Hicklin
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: G. Franklin
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: K.S. Davidson
Vice President: W.R. Hicklin
Recording Secretary: A Chesney
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: G. Franklin
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: K.S. Davidson
Vice President: W.R. Hicklin
Recording Secretary: A Chesney
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: G. Franklin
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: K.S. Davidson
Vice President: H. Merrells
Recording Secretary: T.D. Cooke
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: T. Willis
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: H. Merrells
Vice President: W. Hicklin
Recording Secretary: B. Giroux
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: J. Turner
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: J. Silcocks
Vice President: Chesney
Recording Secretary: W.R. Hicklin
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: J. Turner
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: K.S. Davidson
Vice President: B. Giroux
Recording Secretary: W.R. Hicklin
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: J. H. Turner
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: J.H. Silcock
Recording Secretary: W.R. Hicklin
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: C. E. Hope
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: C.E. Hope
Recording Secretary: J.H. Silcock
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: C. E. Hope
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: C.E. Hope
Recording Secretary: J.H. Silcock
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: C. E. Hope
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: G. Franklin
Recording Secretary: J.H. Silcock
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: H. Merrells
Treasurer: A. Shakleford
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: G. Franklin
Recording Secretary: J.H. Silcock
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Business Agent: H. Merrells
Treasurer: H. Lackey
President: B. Giroux
Vice President: J.S. Silcock
Business Agent: A. Merrells
Secretary: H. W. Lackey
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
President: B. Giroux (d.1955)
Vice President: J.S. Silcock
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Recording Secretary: H. W. Lackey
Business Agent: A. Merrells
President: J.S. Silcock (July)
Vice President: M. Merrells
Financial Secretary: P. Giroux
Recording Secretary: H. W. Lackey (d. 1957)
Business Agent: A. Merrells
President: J.S. Silcock
Vice President: P. Giroux
Financial Secretary: R. Maxwell
Recording Secretary: B. Roebuck
Business Agent: A. Merrells
President: J.S. Silcock
Vice President: P. Giroux
Treasurer: C Hansen
Recording Secretary: B. Roebuck
Business Agent: A. Merrells
President: J.S. Silcock
1st Vice President: P. Giroux
2nd Vice President: A. Merrells
Treasurer: C Hansen
Recording Secretary: B. Roebuck
Business Agent: A. Merrells
President: A. Merrells
Vice President: H Merrells
Secretary: Bell & Lackey
Treasurer: C Hansen
Business Agent: M. Merrells
President: A Merrells
Business Agent: F Merrells
Treasurer: C Hansen
President: A Merrells
Vice President: B Elliot
Business Agent: F Merrells
Secretary: J Merrells
Treasurer: C Hansen
President: George Bell
Vice President: Buster Elliott
Secretary: Norma Hawkes
Treasurer: Charlie Hansen
Business Agent: Frank Merrells
Assistant Business Agent: Barry Merrells
President: George Bell
Vice President: Buster Elliott
Secretary: Norma Hawkes
Treasurer: Charlie Hanson
Business Agent: Frank Merrells
Assistant Business Agent: Barry Merrells
President: Mel Merrells
Vice President: Buster Elliott
Business Agent: Albert Merrells
Assistant Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Ivan Hawkes
Treasurer: Bruce Hosick
President: Mel Merrells
Vice President: Buster Elliott
Business Agent: Albert Merrells
Assistant Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Ivan Hawkes
Treasurer: Jim Gregor
President: Mel Merrells
Vice President: Charlie Hanson
Stage Business Agent: Albert Merrells
Production Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Cy Barry
Treasurer: Jim Gregor
President: Mel Merrells
Vice President: Charlie Hanson
Stage Business Agent: Albert Merrells
Production Business Agent Barry Merrells
Secretary: Cy Barry
Treasurer: Jim Gregor
President: Clarence Schmidt
Vice President: George Bell
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Treasurer: Jim Gregor
Member at Large: Rex Cooley
President: Clarence Schmidt
Vice President: George Bell
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Treasurer: Jim Gregor
Member at Large: Rex Cooley
President: George Bell
Vice President: Clarence Schmidt
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Treasurer: Bill Walkey
Member at Large: Rex Cooley
President: George Bell
First Vice President (Stage): Clarence Schmidt
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Treasurer: Bill Walkey
President: George Bell
First Vice President (Stage): Gerald Paglaro
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Treasurer: Bill Walkey
President: George Bell
First Vice President (Stage): Gerald Paglaro
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Treasurer: Bill Walkey
President: Gerald Paglaro
First Vice President (Stage): Jim Gregor
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Darryl Elliott
Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Treasurer: Bill Walkey
President: Gerald Paglaro
First Vice President (Stage): Jim Gregor
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Donna Fuller Campbell
Business Agent: Dean Goodine / Barry Merrells
Treasurer: Warren Simmons
President: Gerald Paglaro
First Vice President (Stage): Jim Gregor / Dale Olson
Second Vice President (Film): Rick Roberts
Secretary: Donna Fuller Campbell
Business Agent: Jim Gregor
Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Gerald Paglaro
First Vice President (Stage): Dale Olson
Second Vice President (Film): Dean Goodine / Chris Sprague
Secretary: Donna Fuller Campbell
Business Agent: Jim Gregor
Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Gerald Paglaro
First Vice President (Stage): Dale Olson / Chris Merrells
Second Vice President (Film): Chris Sprague
Secretary: Donna Fuller Campbell
Business Agent: Pierre Bartlette / Tracey Chapman
Treasurer: Vince Bevans / Mike Smith
President: Damian Petti
Stage Vice President: Chris Merrells
Film Vice President: TC Chapman
Business Agent: Dan Routly
Secretary: Donna Fuller
Treasurer: Mike Smith / John Schrader
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Chris Sprague
Stage Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Production Business Agent: Dan Routly
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Chris Sprague
Stage Business Agent: Barry Merrells
Production Business Agent: Dan Routly / Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Doug Cooper
Production Business Agent: Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ellen Leavitt
Production Business Agent: Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Geoff Frizzell
Production Business Agent: Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ellen Leavitt
Production Business Agent: Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ian Wilson
Production Business Agent: Tom MacRae
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Business Agent: Allan Belyea
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Business Agent: Allan Belyea / Gie Roberts / Michael Gibney
Secretary-Treasurer: Vince Bevans
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Business Agent: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Business Agent: Michael Gibney
Secretary-Treasurer: Albert Seibert
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Business Agent: Ian Wilson
Secretary-Treasurer: Albert Seibert
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris MacRae
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris MacRae
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris MacRae
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris MacRae
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris MacRae
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Michael Gibney / Gail Kennedy
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Rose Gurevitch / Alex Free
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Hawrylyshen
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Alex Free
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Hawrylyshen
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Gail Kennedy
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Alex Free
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Hawrylyshen
President: Damian Petti
Vice President: Joel Hansen
Stage Vice President: Ian Wilson
Motion Picture Vice President: Alex Free
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter Hawrylyshen